Weighin’ In

a-car2I bought a new scale this week.  Because of my fluid issues, I thought I’d buy one that provides the body fat and body fluid percentages along with the weight.  Hey, I learned if cannibals wanted to roast me, I’d be all fatty goodness.  I’d be basting for days.

Anyhoo, the new scale is a consistent plus two pounds from the other scale.  At least it isn’t 12 or something crazy.  On the new scale, I’m up two pounds from last week, so if I do my RT math, it seems that perhaps I haven’t lost anything this week, but haven’t gained, either.  I see this weight loss coming to a grinding halt.  It happens.

I’ll dwell on the positives:

Since last January I’ve lost 42 lbs and with the exception of that up and down thing I do every now and then, I really haven’t gained in a tremendous way.  That is a miralce, my friends.

Since the spring of ’07, I’ve lost 80 lbs.

God is in control and knows how hard I’m working.  The good things will happen eventually.

If you’re checking in,  please let us know, in the comments section, how you are doing.

Hope you all have a successful week!  🙂

Strike up the violins

a-avioDear Diary,

When Chip received his bonus, he was also given a box to bring home his personal items from his job. He’d been, (how do I say this?), laid off.

How could he get laid off?  He’s a top money-maker for his firm!  He knows I have a standard of living to keep.  How awful, and how stupid of him!

How will I tell the girls at lunch tomorrow?  Imagine, sitting there at the Plaza eating our spa lunch before we have our weekly spa day.  What?  Will I now only have $100 to tip my girl?  How humiliating!  I will probably have to start getting pedicures once a month instead of once a week!  Chip’s inability to make the proper income will force me to have to *gasp* stop getting facials.  Oh, I’m so sad.

But, wait!  That’s not all.  The more I think about this the more I see how awful my life will be if Chip doesn’t find a job that pays him enough to give me my weekly allowance.

No more assistant to do my shopping for me.  I will have to go to a gym instead of having my trainer come to my home.

The worst part is that I will now have to buy off of the rack rather than at the showrooms of designers.  I really hate how poly-cotton blends make me itch!

How am I going to survive!?!?!?

What?  Will I know have to fly coach?  Will I have to take that smelly subway?  Will I have to turn down offers for cocktail parties in the Hamptons?  What will I ever do if I can’t go to the Hamptons?

The kids will have to go to public school!  PUBLIC SCHOOL!  The only thing they learn in public school is how to curse, drink and do drugs!  Affluent people like us don’t drink and do drugs!  I’ll even have to watch my kids when they get home from school. Hey, I said I’d have them so that we could be seen at recitals and network to move up the social ladder.  I never said I’d take care of them.

Oh, my life is ruined!  Where did I put that Valium?

Chip is just going to have realize that he’ll have to work two jobs if he has to, so that I can do the things I’m used to doing.

(H/T:  Reuters)

I truly feel bad for anyone that loses a job.  I’ve been in that position a couple of times.  However, some people just need to get real about life.

Caption Contest

Ever wonder what goes on in Bob Dylan’s head?  Provide your witty captions for this photo.  I will post winners Tuesday evening.  Have a great weekend!


THE WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.  Deathlok
Cesar Romaro after the Batman Years.

3.  Diller
Lay Lady Lay…..cross that big ass bed…….No,think I screwed that up?

2.  Sig94
All that corned beef and cabbage …. I wonder if the bass player can smell me.

This week’s winner is. . .
1.  Rodney Dill
Eve of Distraction


Cowboy Blob

Family Security Matters

Gone Rick Motel

Right Pundits

Rodney Dill



This is me when I leave the gym.

This is me when I leave the gym.

Just a little announcement, since I made a huge freakin’ deal over it:  I didn’t have to do any push ups last night.  I did, however, burn 660 calories.  I’m trying to challenge myself to 800 in a couple of weeks and then 1000 by the end of next month.  I’m not telling Pinboy any of this, of course.  He’d just put me on the rack or something.

He mentioned putting ankle weights on me and turning the incline up high so that I build up the muscles I need to do the treadmill with more gusto.  I told him I’d throw them at him.  Heh.

So, this weekend, I will be trying to do push ups in the privacy of my own home.  Why?  Because I’m competitive, especially with myself.  I need to see if I can do it, because I hate more than anything to say, “I can’t.”


a-earpAt some point today, our pal, Wyatt should be hitting the milestone of 400,000 hits!

It is quite an accomplishment.  Be sure to give him a hit or two sometime today and congratulate him.

I know for a fact that he truly appreciates all of the hits and comments that you provide him.

Congratulations, Wyatt!

Billy Powell, Rest in Peace

The world of rock-n-roll has lost a true survivor.  I’m not an expert on all things Skynyrd, by any means.  However, I have always liked their music and have a healthy amount of respect for those who survived that horrid plane crash and went on to rebuild their lives and careers.

Sadly, Billy Powell, the keyboardist, passed, today.  Say a prayer for his family and friends.  I’m sure this sad event is made harder given what he has survived.  The memories of the others are not far behind, too.

I had a hard time finding video footage that provided a good camera shot of him (especially from the early years).  This video offers a really nice tribute to the original members of Lynyrd Skynyrd and has some close up shots of Mr. Powell.  It is a moving version of “Simple Man,” to be honest.

Fat girl rant

Me not likey!!!!!!

Me not likey!!!!!!

I was reading an article about a passenger of Virgin Atlantic who was offered the opportunity to be one of their “foodies” after his humorous, but critical letter pointed out the cruddy nature of the in-flight food’s quality.  When I read it, a thought came to me that I’ve had before, most recently this weekend:  “I should be the buyer for the companies that supply fat girls their clothes.”

You might laugh, but unless you have been in the position of having to shop at those stores, you don’t understand the lack of choice.  And before some of you mutter, “Just lose the &%$(# weight, let me remind you that I have been losing weight, but it doesn’t just melt off of some of us and some of us are overweight, in part, because of medical issues.”  (Not just talking about me.)

Well, anyway, here it goes:

Dear Charming Shoppes (Lane Bryant, Catherines, & Fashion Bug) and Avenue:

Who is buying and ordering the clothing that you place so proudly in your stores?  Look, I already kind of stick out in a crowd:  I’m 5’10 and I am a big gal.  Do you need to make it worse with crazy, stupid prints, motifs, and a choice of clothing that isn’t always professional enough for my vocation?

You all seem to get jeans down really well, which I appreciate.  However, everything else is an assault on my desire to look professional and put together.  (Note to Catherines:  MOM JEANS ARE NOT COOL!)

Let’s begin with the blouses: Did I mention I was 5’10?  Did I mention that I have huge boobs?  You either have things so low-cut that I cannot buy them, so sheer that I cannot wear them, or cut so short that there will be space between the blouse and my pants.  I routinely have to buy a size or two larger in button-down shirts just so I’m not always trying to pull down the blouse to cover my belly.  I stand in front of kids all day.  They don’t need me to be distracted by my clothing.  When I do find something that comes down low enough, I wear it so often that people think that’s all the clothing I own.  By the way, could you please place buttons correctly and make your button holes the right way?  It will keep my buttons buttoned and there should be no pulling, especially in the boob area. Oh, and your blouses should measure 30″-32″ inches for the tall gals.  You know why all your stuff in the higher sizes sells out first?  Because all of your clients want longer shirts and 28″ isn’t cutting it.  No one wants to expose the belly/abdomen bulge.  It is rather unsightly.

While I’m at it:  SHOULDER PADS WENT OUT 20 SOME-ODD YEARS AGO!!!!  (Thought maybe you didn’t get the memo.  I take them out anyway, because I’m broad shouldered, so…neh!)

Now the pullover shirts, sweaters and t-shirts:
1.  I do not want to wear anything with a pumpkin, Christmas tree, cats, dogs, stars streaking across the sky, or fish.  I do not want to wear anything with rhinestones, metal studs, and bedazzlement.  Seriously, are you throwing darts at the clothes to pick them, or are you taking bets on how desperate fat chicks are to find clothes?
2.  Again, I repeat: I’ve had more than one person who is shopping along side of me complain about the length of the shirts and blouses found in your stores.  (People who are shorter than me, I might add.)

When I go to the gym, I don’t want to have to worry about my shirt coming up.  If you don’t make them long enough, they will.

When I go to work, I don’t want to look like a clown.

When I go out to socialize, I don’t want some cat on my shirt staring at my friends.

I’ve had to give myself over to the ugly patterns and crazy color combinations most of the time.  Sometimes it works out, but for the most part, I hate my clothing choices.

Now for the dress pants: Do you make a color other than black and dark blue?  Do you provide pinstripes with pinstripe colors that actually match blouses you have in your stores?  I’m not saying that I want to walk around in canary yellow pants, but I would like brown and tiny houndstooth (the ladies know what I mean).  Would it be too much to ask that pant suits have jackets that measure 30″-32″ for the tall gals?
I want real business suits with skirts that come a few inches below the knee.  I want dress pants that don’t look like floods and were made for a 5’5″ chubby chick.  I don’t want dress shirts in neon green, with metal buttons.  I want dresses that don’t have my boobs hanging out, are made for a professional atmosphere, and like the skirts, come down to a few inches below my knee.  At the knee for your models is above the knee for me.

For casual wear, I want nice sweaters, tees, shirts, and such that come down just past my hips.  They don’t need to scream, “Look at me!  I’m wearing stupid patterns and motifs!”  Why can’t I have a nice beige sweater that makes me feel comfortable?  I’m okay with tasteful designs and stripes; however, why do I have to always walk around like I’m a freakin’ Jackson Pollock or Picasso?

Now, about 10 years ago or more, those clothes weren’t so hard to find.  Your attempt to be too trendy while forgetting that the majority of your clientele are adults and professional is killing your bottom line.  You need to balance the young and trendy with truly professional clothes.  Maybe you wouldn’t be faced with shutting down stores, as you are now.  Just think:  You could get rid of all of the ugly and replace it with my suggestions…instant profit!

Just because people like me have to shop in your stores, doesn’t mean we always will.  We will wear what we have until it falls apart.  Why?  Because when we walk into your stores, like I did this weekend, and are so upset by what we see, we just walk out and wait with the hope that your next season will be more sensible.    (Btw., stop using skinny models for the fat clothes.)


Talkin’ to Barry…

a-barryReporter:  Today, folks, you will get to call in and ask President Obama questions.  No topic is off limits, too.

Okay, let’s start taking callers.

Caller 1:  President Obama, why do you want to bankrupt the nation with more needless spending?  Didn’t the money we just gave out not accomplish much of anything?

Obama:  I won and we’ll do as I say.  How dare you question the Obama.

Caller 1:  But I thought…

Obama:  You thought wrong.  Next caller.

Caller 2:  President Obama?

Obama:  That’s my name.  Next caller.

Caller 3:  Mr. Obama, I was wondering if you think it is okay to not pay taxes?  I mean Vice-President Biden said it is the patriotic thing to do, but what if I don’t have the money to pay my taxes and I am otherwise a decent person?

Obama:  Unless you are going to be my treasury secretary, you will pay fines, interest and face jail time.  Next question.

Caller 4:  Why did you get rid of your Baby Bentley (Chrysler 300)  for a Prius when you began your run for president?

Obama:  Because Al Gore told me so.

Caller 5:  How do you propose we be friends with the likes of Ahmadinejad when he says Israel should be wiped off of the face of the earth?

Obama:  Israel?  What Israel?

Caller 6:  Can you speak in anything other than trite phrases and cliches?

Obama:  Um…uh….

For this week’s caption contest winners, CLICK HERE.