
I clicked on this article thinking I’d learn something new.  Ummm….all I’ve got to say is that this guy is getting paid mondo bucks for common sense.  My reaction when I read the article was, “Duh!”


By the way, y’all.  I’m in complete denial that I have to go back Tuesday.

Sunday Song

Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11
He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Over the past year, God has restored so much to my physical well-being and my outward appearance.  It is something I’ve prayed for a good long time, now.  I look forward with much anticipation to meeting my goals.  However, I know I cannot be truly healthy and looking good in my appearance without God and His intervention.

He is our healer, provider, and our Father, who loves us very much.

Additionally, don’t forget to find the beauty in unlikely places, too.  It is there, even when we don’t like what we see in the mirror.  The person I am inside has changed so much and has become so much better.  I think that is just as important.  Actually, considering I’ll never be a super-model, I’d say the what’s going on inside is way more important.  Ugly shrew is not an aspiration of mine.

“Something Beautiful”–Newsboys

I guess it’s depends on what the meaning of failure is…

A frequent commenter on Wyatt’s blog, Sully, left a link to Founding Bloggers.  The post has a video of a field trip of sorts.  This little trip is on a bus that wants to provide evidence that Bush’s legacy is one that none of us should believe is any good.

The best part is when the Vet for Freedom decides to ask the oh-so-informed one how the surge failed (while quoting Pelosi et al).  It is really good.  Go watch it.

What I’d like to note is the demeanor and calm with which the vets present themselves.  However, would we expect anything less?  I think not.

A funny thing happened…

After dropping my dad off at his house, today, I drove through my town.  I wanted a bottle of water, so I stopped at the local convenience store.  As I was pulling into the store, there were a couple of boys (no more than 18-20), and they just kept staring at me.  To be honest, they looked like they could be the sons of a couple of guys I went to school with; after all, they were spitting images of them.  But, I was a little creeped out that they were staring at me.  They even stopped their truck next to my car to do it.  I tried not to look, too.  They were smiling and not saying anything, so at least they weren’t among the many who feel the need to point out that I am heavy.  I think I know that little fact.  Anyway, I don’t know whether to be flattered or creeped out.  They were probably staring at the boobs.  They’re guys.  I’m used to it.

So, when I came out of the store, I took some pictures of my town (just felt like it).  This is the neighborhood where I used to live.  I live in a really shady part of the town, now.  I’m not talkin’ nice, shady trees, either.

That yellow house?  Right next to it is the one where I spent the ages of 2-18.  I used to walk those railroad tracks, play in the storm drain that went under the road to the other side of the tracks, and used to ride my bike all over the place (still have cinder in my knee to prove it).  The guy that lived in the yellow house helped to rebuild my bike, put up a tire swing for me and my neighbor friend to play on, and he had a duck and turtles, along with a very nice dog.  I used to call him Uncle Jim.  He was a really nice man given to the addiction of alcohol.  Nice guy, though.

Those are the train tracks on which I used to walk to school (4th-6th grades).  That field is not only our Pop Warner field, it is also a baseball field where I kept score for our JV baseball team.  I remember once when I was little, my mom and I went out for a walk.  There was a game going on for one of the tavern leagues.  The guys were drunk and beating each other with bats.  That was a lovely sight.

That’s the school I walked to when I traveled the tracks.  I loved walking the track like a balance beam.  We used to see if we could throw rocks over the trains as they passed by.  I opted not to see if I could jump up on a train to catch a ride.  I had my limits.  My friends did it, but not me.

This is a new section that was just built.  I’m glad they built it where they did.  I used to be bullied a lot and that was a hill, that at recess, I’d get pushed down quite a lot by the boys.  Boys always wanted to bully me.  I never understood it.  (I’d go into the beatings, but why bother.)

This is an older section where the 6th graders were.  I was always in the older section of the school on the other side.  I always thought the kids in the newer section were the “cool kids”; however, it turns out, if you were in the smarter classes, you were in the older part of the school.  Heh.

That is our town’s Catholic church.  The church next to it with the white-ish roof is my church.  My pastor and his entire family started out at the Catholic church….ended up at ours in the ’70s.

So, that is part of my town.  (This might be a cool, informal meme if anyone felt so inclined.)

Friendly reminder…

It is almost that time, diet buddies!  Our first official weigh-in is Saturday, September 6; however, take your weight Tuesday, September 2, and begin changing your lifestyle.  If you don’t feel comfortable posting your weight, just your weight loss (or gain) is enough.  Feel free to tell us how you are doing it or if you need help.  That’s why we are doing this:  accountability and support.

I have an appointment with my thyroid/PCOS doctor, Tuesday.  He’s going to be so happy!  During a doctor’s appointment this week (with a different doctor), my blood pressure was 110/80.  YAY!  My blood work will be done with the endocrinologist (thyroid/PCOS guy).  I’m just about 40 lbs. thinner than the last time I saw him, too!

I’m finally in the physical position to join a gym, too.  I did a lot of walking this summer and feel up to amping the energy level a bit.  I’m going to try to get some good exercise four days a week.  I’m trying to balance my stress level with pleasant down-time this year.  I have decided that Fridays, after school, are movie days and the weekends are for me, visiting with my dad, and going to church.

As of right now here is the group:

(If you’d like to join in, or if I have forgotten your name, PLEASE remind me in the comments.  Thanks!  I feel like I’m forgetting a couple of people…hate that.)

Caption Contest

Provide a witty and entertaining caption for this photo.  I’ll post winner Tuesday evening, since Monday is a holiday.  Have a wonderful weekend!


WOW!  The choices were hard this week!  Instead of chopping down to half, I had to keep the winners list as a top ten.  Great job, y’all!

10.  Dennis: Years later, Hillary grew to regret her pantsuit choice….

9.  Cowboy Blob: Someone’s gonna get lucky tonight!

8.  TrekMedic251: NOW HQ reacting to McCain’s pick of Sarah Palin for running mate!

7.  Maggie Mama: When Maureen Dowd couldn’t get her family into Invesco Field, they returned to Motel 8 to watch Obama’s acceptance speech on tv.

6.  Toytowner: Honest, it was the haggis that made me sick!

5.  Rodney Dill: Next year I think we should have a Butterball instead of Wild Turkey for Thanksgiving, Emma.

4.  Les James: What was I thinking? I’ll never double date with grandma again.

3.  Mark Ducharme: This week on VH1s’, “Where are they then? – The Future Editions” , it’s, Brad Pitt: What the Hell Happened?

2.  Wyatt Earp: Jimmy’s rufie colada lands him another blue-haired beauty.

And this week’s winner is. . .

1.  John D: This week on DIRTY JOBS, Mike Rowe tries the dirtiest job of all: Rest Home Gigolo.


Just some thoughts…

While watching the speeches this evening, a couple of things stood out to me.

The first thing was the list of everything Obama will do if elected POTUS.  1.  The president doesn’t have that kind of power.  His plans are at the mercy of the representatives and senators.  2.  As with any candidate that makes promises to appease pretty much everyone, the plan behind the talk is missing.

I also noticed that the speakers kept addressing everyone as “my fellow democrats”.  What happened to being Americans first and everything else second and so forth?

The speeches also made me think about what it is I want more than anything in life:

1.  To be a help and “be there” to and for my parents.  I look to the Bible for that guidance, or I at least try to.

2.  Good health.  Only God can provide it.

3.  A somewhat debt-free existence.  Again, only God can truly provide.

4.  Love.  Plain and simple, I desire to be loved and to be able to give love without having it thrown back in my face.  Only God can move in the hearts of folks.

So, as I see it, a POTUS cannot provide the things I desire.  Those that aspire and attain that position are merely men.  They are given to failure, have flaws, will not please every single person, and will most likely appoint folks with which we do not always agree.

God is in control.

A giggle, some sour grapes, and winners!

Let the fun truly begin!  Bill Clinton is in Denver and has thrown some loosely disguised sour grapes:

He said: “Suppose you’re a voter, and you’ve got candidate X and candidate Y. Candidate X agrees with you on everything, but you don’t think that candidate can deliver on anything at all. Candidate Y you agree with on about half the issues, but he can deliver. Which candidate are you going to vote for?”

Then, perhaps mindful of how his off-the-cuff remarks might be taken, Clinton added after a pause: “This has nothing to do with what’s going on now.”

Oh, please let the Clintons do some snarky, funny stuff while they are in Denver!

Isn’t is kind of funny to watch the well-oiled machine that once was the democratic party squeak like a rusty old hinge?

(H/T:  The Hill)

HERE are the winners from this past week’s caption contest!

Attn: Politicians!

When you are trying to orchestrate a touching family moment via satellite feed with the presidential candidate’s family, TAKE THE MICROPHONE AWAY FROM THE KIDS!  While they are nice little girls, they are excited and don’t know the full methods of political manipulation.  It is also a cheap use of children and can backfire on you.  I found it phony and cheesy.  Also, Barack, with all due respect, stick to the script.  You are not a good actor.  Michelle, on the other hand, is quite good.  She even mustered the sniffles and tears.  I deal with the public enough, and with folks trying to turn on the emotion to garner my sympathy enough, to know when it isn’t totally sincere.

I don’t doubt that they believe what they say and that they truly love their family; however, I don’t see or hear much substance.  I’m especially tired of hearing about their backgrounds.

You know what Mrs. Obama?  I grew up dirt poor, raised in a verbally abusive, matriarchal family structure.  Just like you (not), I too am a public servant, only I don’t make millions of dollars.  I didn’t get a free ride.  I can’t afford to pay attention much less afford anything else.  I also don’t have the money you do to help take care of a deserving mother.

Like yours, my family is blue collar:  merchant marine, cook, truck drivers, warehouse workers, and clerical types.  Guess how many women have graduated from college on my mom’s side of the family?  One.  Me.  I’m the baby girl, too.

Half of my grandparents came from other countries.  One left home at the age of 15 and did the best he could for his family.  We have our successes:  My uncle, told he would be nothing (by a teacher),  went on to get drafted into the Marines, used that to get his GED, went to Bob Jones University (yep, he did), went on to become a missionary in the country of my grandfather’s origin, worked with people directly involved in the tensions in that country , built churches, got his masters, and then went on to another country even after 30 years away from his family in the U.S.  That is selfless service.

That’s  also America Mrs. Obama.  Not one race owns “the story”.  Not one gender owns “the struggle”.  Not one generation owns a hard luck story.  We owe what we are to God and to the people who believed in us.  Sadly, the problems in many of our schools is that there are kids coming from homes where education is not esteemed.

My story Mrs. Obama?  My mom dropped out of school between 9th and 10th grade to help run my grandfather’s restaurant.  My dad was born with an intellectual disability and would never quite mature past the age of 18 (especially as social awareness is concerned).  He would never do more than work in warehouses and do manual labor.  He is a good, hard worker that follows the rules and the expectations.  He’ll give you everything he’s got.  After my grandfather closed the restaurant, my mom went to work in a factory making bomb casings for the military.  Then President Carter came along, the economy went bust, and my mom lost her job.  Do you know what it is like for an adult, female/single mother to find a job good enough to support a child, while at the same time, not having an education?  I had to get a job as soon as I was able, just to buy my own clothes and such.  While your parents sacrificed to have mom stay home, my mom didn’t have a choice and I raised myself.

Unlike you, Mrs. Obama, I was raised that we don’t have dreams.  We work.  We become secretaries or such (perfectly good careers if that is what you aspire to do).  College was for the kids from the town next to ours.  So, by the age of 16 I figured it wasn’t worth trying, so I didn’t.  When I was 18, I quit high school and ran away to Los Angeles.

The one thing I had going for me that entire time?  I had been raised in a legalistic church and had the fear of God firmly implanted, and eventually, while sitting in a bar, decided I’d had enough and that God should have control of my life.  (Not a social program, not another human, but GOD.)

I didn’t hear you mention your relationship with God.  Oh, that’s right, you follow men and their ideas.  The good reverend is an example that.

So, God took me back, He took the GED I got a year after I quit high school and gave me a college education. I was blessed enough to experience successful academic studies with the highest honors one can get (and a job in a school district where people would jump at the chance to teach.)

Those positive things your mother and father instilled in you are great.  But, don’t think that you and Barack own that story.  In fact, you were more privileged than a lot of people.

Why is it such a story that someone grows up poor and goes to college?

Why is it such a story that someone goes from a an ordinary background to a privileged one a huge deal?  I think you’ll find with a lot of people, especially of our generation, a lot of similar stories.

I’m so tired of the dog and pony shows from both sides.  I’m tired of the “here is my story” and isn’t it grand “attitude”.

I know successful people with worse stories than mine.  Somewhere deep inside is the survival instinct.  Some of us listen to it, others just let life run over them.

Stop the Obama worship already.  Really, people.  Grow the heck up and look at people for what they are:  humans full of flaws and likely to let you down.  Choose who you think will lead our country the best; not because of his “story,” but because of the substance that person has a leader and in vision.  Really listen.

By the way, the bigger story should be based on a couple of questions:  Why do we persistently reinforce into our children that they come from nothing, will have nothing, and can do nothing?  Why do we instill into our children that unless by some stroke of luck and a plethora of government programs, they won’t succeed?  All of your sad stories and “look how awful this is” should focus in on the big picture.  There are kids not achieving because they are not being raised to believe that they matter, that their existence is vital to the progress of our country, that they should dream, exercise their creativity, and that they should see that they are valued and need to work hard to achieve their dreams.  They are raised to give up and to settle.  Our country used to be full of dreamers and doers.  Hmmm….before all of the government programs.

Sorry, folks.  I’m just fired up and really believe that the conventions need to be cut down to two days and should be about platform and policy, not ego stroking.