I wish I could figure out how to get the RT Tube screen up on the post. Grrrrr…Chuck Norris doesn’t need a screen with his face on it; he reaches through it and pulls you into the monitor. Yeah, I know, totally lame–bite me!


It’s not a fluke!

Seven days ago I posted about how well I felt. Well, to be honest, I thought it would last a couple of days and then I’d feel like crap again. Guess what!?!?!?! I still feel awesome! No fatigue, no general funk, and no leg pain. WOW! I have not felt this good in almost three years. I’m finding it easier to eat like a rabbit and I’m losing weight. In fact one very kind lady at work said, “(my name), you look great! Whatever you are doing, keep doing it.” That was so nice of her. It is all relative, of course. You could meet me on the street, not know me and think I look like crapola, but then I’d just “f” you anyway. (I digress.) The next thing I plan to do is join a gym. There is a “retro” gym around the corner from me that has tons of cardio equipment (gotta start small). They even have a room where you can do a workout while watching a movie from the ’80s. Now how awesome would that be after dealing with the actual Breakfast Club at school, all day!

I just wanted to share. I know I whine every so often, but as my best friend said tonight, “The old (my name) is back.” So it is another movie plus a trip to the mall for some nicely scented stuff this weekend.

Keep praying for me…I’ve got a long road ahead of me, yet. 🙂 God is good.

Don’t forget there are a couple of contests below. I’ll wait to post the caption contest winners until tomorrow night.