Running with the devil…

Apparently, Fidel is recovering so nicely, that he is almost jogging. WOW! I thought Lazarus beat the odds!

So, if Fidel is just about ready to go jogging, what else can he do? You tell me. Personally, I think Fidel will be joining Che for a long, hot sauna in the deepest reaches of the lovely resort, Lake of Fire, located in the Pit of Hell. But, I tend to use my imagination too much.

I’ll post the winners Sunday night..really, really late.

Good deeds and eye candy

I finally finished all of my grading and planning. I can come out to play again. In my dream world where I can have any cool, funky hair cut/dye job and ragin’ clothes I want, and not worry about being professional, I’d have this guy on my arm. Well, he does good deeds for the troops. He’s creative. He’s mad smart. Ummmmmm….he’d scare my relatives. Yeah. I haven’t given them a good scare since my chain wearing days.

I’m gonna go take a really cold shower now.

Just to add to the “yummy,” The Cult. I can’t believe this song is almost 20 years old. Dang.