Caption Contest

Let’s visit another realm, shall we?  Provide your witty and entertaining captions for this photo.  I will post winners Tuesday evening.  Please note that I had a bout with either a severe stomach virus or food poisoning this week and was not able to post winners (was really, really, really sick).  I will do so later this evening and will link last week’s contest to this post.

CLICK HERE to see the winners of last week’s caption contest.


THE WINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5.  Old NFO
I “told” you putting dye in the pool was NOT a good idea…

4.  Rodney Dill
Portrait of Andorians gray

3.  Wyatt Earp
The Philly chapter of the Young Democrats really takes their blue state mentality seriously.

2.  Cowboy Blob
Shrek didn’t associate much with the Boston branch of the family… they’re all snooty bluebloods.

This week’s winner is. . .
1.  Diller
HI!…We are the Obamablues,here from the planet,Nerdius….seeking, Hope,Change and a surgeon to remove that honky from our leader’s left hip.

Cowboy Blob

Family Security Matters I placed third here last week!

Gone Rick Motel I won here last week!

Right Pundits

Rodney Dill


15 thoughts on “Caption Contest

  1. Pingback: Weekend Caption Contest | Support Your Local Gunfighter

  2. Pingback: Obama’s Bow Gaff - or was it? (Caption Contest) » Right Pundits

  3. HI!…We are the Obamablues,here from the planet,Nerdius….seeking, Hope,Change and a surgeon to remove that honky from our leaders left hip.

  4. Pingback: OTB Caption JamTM

  5. Pingback: Political stuff and caption winners « RT’s Ponderings

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