I’m a scribbler!

Deanna at Deanna’s Corner has done a super-nice thing and bestowed upon me the Superior Scribbler Award.  What you all don’t know is that in sixth grade, I received the coveted “Sister Mary Elephant Award for Creativity” from my teacher.

However, this award is even cooler!  Thank you, Deanna!

The best part about this award is that I get to nominate five other bloggers!  I give this award to

Captain America
Les  James
(What the heck…and JumpOut, because he wants me to tell y’all how great he is!  He’s awesome.  He’s so great that the sun asks him permission to rise.  HA!)

Now, according to the rules….

Every Superior Scribbler will name 5 other Super Scribblers.
If you are named you must link to the author & the name of the blog that gave you the award. Then you must display the adorable award and link to THIS POST, which explains the award. The same post also allows you to add your link. Then they will have a record of all the people who are Super Scribblers!

4 thoughts on “I’m a scribbler!

  1. Wow! I’m honored to be in such great company as the other 5 you listed RT. Thanks. I shall take care of this as soon as I get home from picking up the kids.

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