Caption Contest

Hope you all are enjoying the holiday season.  Here is this week’s caption contest.  I will post winners Tuesday evening.  Have a great weekend!


The winners. ..

4.  dragonlady474

A little freaked out by the realistic quality of Nintendo’s new zombie game, Sherman pauses the game and the nose picking zombie behind him.

3.  Rodney Dill

“…but I want to get the new HALO and Totoro’s Big Adventure.”  “Don’t cross the memes….”

2.  Wyatt Earp

Sadly, Dr. Venkman was about to get “slimed” by the chubby pervert behind him.

This week’s winner is. . .

1.  John D

All Dr. Venkman wanted was to buy the new Ghostbusters 3-D game for his X-box. But sadly, the games were in a locked display, and the Keymaster was on break.




Cowboy Blob
Family Security Matters
Rodney Dill

11 thoughts on “Caption Contest

  1. Pingback: Weekend Caption Contest | Support Your Local Gunfighter

  2. Pingback: Caption Contest « RT's Ponderings

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