Caption Contest

Hmmm….let me guess which lever this guy pulled Tuesday.

Provide your witty and entertaining captions for this picture.  I will announce the winners Tuesday evening.

Thanks for stopping by!


5.  JumpOut
Taxpayers everywhere assume the position for the upcoming Obama presidency.

4.  John D
The day after the election, homeless people from coast to coast began searching the gutter for all the “change” Barack Obama promised.

3.  Les James
Shhh! I’m listening for Hope & Change.

2.  KVC
Having missed his chance to get on the “Obama Bandwagon” Joe Leiberman is assigned to his new congressional duties as Chairman of the Committee of Gutter Awarness.

This week’s winner is…
1.  Cowboy Blob
Ummm, Kemosabe, many white men come this way. Many hands of minivans, eight 4-by-4s, and a Toyota Prius. Prius havum timing problem.

Other caption contests:

Cowboy Blob

Family Security Matters

Gone Rick Motel

Right Pundits

Rodney Dill




13 thoughts on “Caption Contest

  1. Pingback: Weekend Caption Contest | Support Your Local Gunfighter

  2. Pingback: OTB Caption JamTM

  3. Having missed his chance to get on the “Obama Bandwagon” Joe Leiberman is assigned to his new congressional duties as Chairman of the Committee of Gutter Awarness.

  4. Pingback: Caption Contest « RT’s Ponderings

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