Happy blogiversary to me!!!!

First, I think tomorrow is my actual blogiversary, but I put it into a database with the wrong date.  A girl who can’t remember an anniversary?  I need to turn in my girls-remember-dates card.  I remember birthdays pretty well or at least their general vicinity, though.

Well, I’ve been at this for two years.  I have to be honest, from a personal standpoint, it has been the two longest years of my life.  Health issues, family issues, and just plain trying to get through life issues have kind of worn me out.  However, if it hadn’t been for the blog and you all being so kind to read my ramblings, I’d be off drooling in a corner somewhere dark.  I appreciate all of your visits, and I also appreciate any comments you leave.  I know your time could be spent elsewhere.  It means a lot to me, and I’ve been lucky enough to make some friendships.

A little history, in case you do not know: Three years ago, it was all I could do to just get through a day.  I’d literally come home and go to bed, because I was experiencing some health problems and massive weight gain due to those health problems.  While reading a news article online, I came across a “pimp” for Wyatt’s blog for information associated with the story.  After reading his blog for a little while, I started commenting, and then a year later, I decided to start my own blog.  The people on the blog were the only folks with whom I had any real contact aside from my best-friend, but since I couldn’t really walk that well (nor had the stamina to walk more than a few hundred feet), my contact with my best friend was only by phone.  The blog-people (as I called them) made me feel like I was sitting at a table enjoying lots of banter.  That’s why I created my blog, and that is why I continue to have it.  I’ve thought of killing it a few times, but I just couldn’t.  I’m not good with good-byes.

Now, speaking of Wyatt, he has become a close and trusted friend of mine.  He is nicer than you all know and cares very much about his friends (and family).  I’d like to thank him (and Ssssteve) for including me in the weight-loss challenge, because without the friendship and the good words when I needed them, especially when the weight-loss seems to be harder than climbing a mountain, I’d be on the fast-track to my own demise.  I had truly given up on myself a year ago.

Btw., today is Wyatt’s wedding anniversary, y’all.  Go wish him a good one and leave equally kind and good words for his awesome wife.  I’ve met her and she’s very nice.  🙂

9 thoughts on “Happy blogiversary to me!!!!

  1. Pingback: This Date In History | Support Your Local Gunfighter

  2. Happy Blogiversary RT! I’m really glad you chose to blog- you entertain me, make me think and educate as well.

    Congrats on the 2 years as well as friendships formed and weight lost!

    Let’s face it- YOU ROCK!

  3. Happy Blogiversary. I enjoy your blog. I can relate to the health problems. I just handed it all to God. So it is his problem now. My birthday is today.I am 54.We have a lot to celebrate. Your blogiversary,Wyatts Anniversary,My brithday.A bunch of good things happened on August 9th.
    Keep the blog stuff coming. Take Care and God Bless.Rick

  4. Wyatt:
    Thanks! Happy anniversay to you! 🙂

    Thank you! 🙂

    I’m glad you find my ramblings worthwhile. Thank you for the compliments. I appreciate it very much. 🙂

    Back at ya! 🙂

    All we can do is give everything to God. He’s in control. Keep getting better, Rick. I pray God blesses you, too.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Now I know why I like you so much. We have a lot in common. I started my blog after reading Blogs for Bauer and finding Wyatt’s blog. I also stared my making comments and when I thought about starting one up he was so helpful and supportive. Like you I also feel I have made some good friends from this and I hope that in three years I will be going as strong as you are.

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